
FAQ: E-Label for wines

The Most Important Questions and Answers!

In how many languages does the landing page need to be available?

According to the law, you are obligated to present the information in all official languages of the markets where you sell your wine.

Winesign automatically translates all information into all 24 EU languages.

Are the E-Labels from Winesign.io dynamic?

YES. You can change the information on the landing page at any time.

Can I give my graphic designer or printer access to my account so they can download the information?

YES. These additional free accounts have limited rights and can use the interface functions they need for their work:

Download all product information, QR codes, etc...

Can I export the product information I store in WineSign.io?

YES. You can download it as a ZIP/CSV file or send it directly via email from the interface.

Can a minimum shelf life be indicated?

YES. This is mandatory for wines with less than 10% alcohol content.

Can I also provide the recycling information that is already mandatory in Italy, France (and likely to be mandatory throughout the EU from 2027)?

YES. This function is already implemented according to Directive 97/129/EC.

My wines have special product attributes (Organic, Vegan, Demeter, EU-Bio, etc...).
Can I also display these on the landing page?

Yes. You can upload your own or use product attributes already prepared by us.

Currently, it is legally uncertain whether, and if so, which product attributes may be displayed on the E-Label.

Are energy values calculated automatically?

YES. You only need to provide alcohol content, residual sugar, and acidity.

WineSign.io automatically takes care of the rest.

When specifying ingredients, I want to see only those allowed in organic wines. Is that possible?


I often vary the additives in my wines and don't want to adjust them every time.

The legislator provides the option, with the use of 'may contain ***,' to specify multiple ingredients that are not present in every wine.

WineSign.io supports this option.

How many wines can I store in my WineSign.io account?

Your wine database is unlimited - as much as you want.

Is WineSign.io GDPR safe?

YES. We do not collect user data, do not use cookies AND allow you to store your imprint.

Until when must a QR code be printed on the bottle?

From December 8, 2023, all wines produced in the EU must comply with the E-label regulations.
This applies from the 2024 vintage.

For 2023 wines, they are considered produced if they meet EU market standards such as alcohol content and acidity.

For sparkling wines, it applies if they meet the required pressure.
Experts believe this applies to sparkling wines from the 2023 vintage.

For how long must the E-Label be available?

The E-Label must remain available online as long as the product is offered on the market.
